Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Have you ever thought about the legalisation of the canabis?

    From the early age people all over the world are taught that drugs are bad. But have you ever thought that only strong drugs can heavily damage your health?Maryjuana is supposed to be a light drug but a drug. It can damage your health if you smoke it too much. That's the main argument of the people who are against it.But why THESE people do not ban alcohol and tobacco or red bull, that may damage your health even harder? It's said that maryjuane make people addicted to it, but alcohol and tobacco can do it too. Let's see the advanantages of smoking maryjuana instead of drinking whisky?When you drink,you are becoming more aggressive,you are almost loosing your mind.But if you smoke marujuana you are becoming more relaxed. What is better?

         Light drugs like canabis can do small harm, but at the same time can help!Let's think abot the positive points of certification of Maryjuana. Maryjuane can be used as an analgesic. It make people more relaxed. That's a positive point for the government because it's easier to control relaxed people than aggressive. Government can also be a monopolist in producing it, so that will cause greater income.

You may think that i'm talking trash, but it's your choice. i don't promote canabis or smth like this. I think it's just unfair when tobacco is certificated and maryjuane(that by the way don't make people SO addicted) isn't.


chris sivewright said...

If tobacco was discovered now it would probably only be allowed under licence - maybe as a stress-reducer.

Possibly the same with alcohol.

Tests are currently ongoing for marijuana and its alleged medical benefits.

Also just because two 'dangerous' products are allowed (tobacco, alcohol) does not mean a third one should be.

Finally, be careful with your spelling: 'aggresive'?

Anastasia said...

you can't even spell 'cannabis' correctly..